Sea Cucumbers

DSC00328We found  sea cucumbers on a beach in Thailand. They are very squishy and slimy. We found our first one in the sea, but when we tried to pick it up it kept slipping out of my hands and falling back in the sea. The second time I picked it up it slipped out of my hands so i asked my brothers if they could help me catch it and finally we caught it. When we got out of the sea we looked for them on the sand and found more than fifty! When we got back to our hotel i found them really interesting so i looked online to find out more. Sea cucumbers are echinoderms which means they are symmetrical and can grow their organs back. There are over one thousand two hundred and fifty species and are ocean dwellers. They’re invertebrates which means they don’t have a spine. They’re omnivores and eat algae, micro organisms, rubbish and meat. So they are very important for the sea because they keep it clean. As defence they either spit out water if they are only a little bit scared and if they are really scared they spit out their organs so predators eat the organs which gives them time to get away.

By Yahya

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